6336 Sherbrooke St W Montreal, QC H4B 1M7



A child’s first dental experience can set the tone for their relationship with oral care for years to come. That’s why it’s so important to find a pediatric dentist who is both professional and knowledgeable while also friendly and gentle. At our office, we pride ourselves on providing all of our young patients with the best possible dental care in a warm and welcoming environment.

Importance of Establishing Good Oral Habits Early On

According to the recommendations made by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should have their teeth examined by their first birthday or six months after their first tooth comes in.

The earlier your child sees a dentist, the better chance we have of catching problems early and preventing them from becoming more serious. In addition, teaching them proper oral hygiene habits early on will help them maintain a healthy smile for their lifetime.

Pediatric Dental Services

At our office, we offer a wide range of pediatric dental services. These include:

Baby Teeth Fillings

We understand those baby teeth are essential for both function and aesthetics. We use the latest technology and materials to ensure that your child’s baby teeth look natural, strong, and healthy.

Baby Teeth Extractions

We only extract baby teeth when it is necessary. In most cases, we can save baby teeth even when they have extensive decay. However, there are some instances where extraction is the best option for your child’s oral health.

Tooth Pain and Baby Teeth Root Canals

We provide relief for tooth pain and can also perform root canals on baby teeth when necessary so that your child can keep their natural teeth without discomfort.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

We offer safe and effective removal of wisdom teeth that are impacted or causing problems. Not every child is a candidate for wisdom teeth removal, but we will assess your child’s situation and recommend the best course of action.


We are proud to offer Invisalign treatment for children and adolescents. Invisalign is an excellent alternative to traditional braces, and it can help improve both the function and appearance of your child’s smile.

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist in Montreal?

Let Centre Dentaire Aoude NDG be your child’s first dentist. With our dentists specializing in pediatric dentistry, we are able to provide the highest quality care for your child. Our team has the training and experience to work with children of all ages, and we understand the unique challenges that come with caring for young patients.

We believe in taking a holistic approach to dentistry, which means that we not only focus on providing high-quality dental care but also take the time to get to know our patients and their families. We believe that better understanding our patients and their needs helps build mutual trust between them and our dentists.

Best Pediatric Dentist in Montreal, QC

If you’re looking for the best pediatric dentist in Montreal, QC, look no further than Centre Dentaire Aoude NDG. Our team of specialists knows the importance of your child’s first dental experience. We go above and beyond to ensure they’re comfortable and well-cared-for from the moment they walk through our doors.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We also recommend stopping by our office with your child to tour our office before their first visit. By familiarizing your child with the clinic environment and our team members, they will feel more at ease on their first visit.

We will take the time to explain the dental procedures and treatments to your child so that they know what to expect. We believe that knowledge is power, and by arming your child with the information they need, we can help make their dental experience a positive one.

We look forward to meeting you and your family!

Free Consultation

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